dimanche 28 mai 2017


TheEpic of Gilgamesh is a poem written on stone tablets sometime between 2700 B.C. and around 600 B.C. in Mesopotamia. Not all of the tablets survived intact, therefore scholars can only guess at what certain sections of the poem are meant to say. The poem itself is about the hero Gilgamesh, a man who is halfgod and half human. Gilgamesh is stronger and more powerful than the people of his village, Uruk, causing great unhappiness among the people. For this reason, they ask the gods to make another man who would rival Gilgamesh. This man is named Enkidu. Gilgamesh and Enkidu become good friends, but trouble follows them wherever they go. The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the earliest known pieces of literature that has survived.
         Gilgamesh : King of Uruk .
           Enkidu : half-man/half-beast . Bestie of Gilgamesh . He basically symbolizes the natural, non-civilized world.
          Utanapishtim : A human given immortality who lives on the other side of earth—literally. Gilgamesh visits him to discover the secret of immortality, but ends up empty-handed .
          Humbaba : Giant who guards the cedar forest of Lebanon .
          Siduri : fishwife whom Gilgamesh meets on his journey .
          Ninsun : The mother of Gilgamesh .
          Ishtar : the goddess of love and war.
          Shamash :  The sun god and Gilgamesh ‘s main go-to-god .
          Anu : is the sky-god in Mesopotamian mythology and the doting daddy of Ishtar.
Gilgamesh one-third human two-thirds god , Thestrongest human that ever existed , It was he who in his glory  built the walls of Uruk to keep his people safe , but not from himself : He oppresses people so they cried out to thesky gods , in response , The gods created a wild man : Enkidu .
Enkidu lived with animals in the wild till a hunter saw him and went to Gilgamesh and told him . Gilgamesh sent a priestess from the temple to civilize Enkidu by introducing him to the ways of humans.
Having forsaken his animal existence, Enkidu and the priestess start for Uruk. On their arrival she tells him of the strength andwisdom of Gilgamesh , at the same time, Gilgamesh was telling his mother the goddess Ninsun about his dreams of meeting Enkidu, his equal, in combat.
Enkidu challenged Gilgamesh by barring his way to the temple. An earth-shaking fight ensues in which Gilgamesh stopped Enkidu’s onslaught. Enkidu praised Gilgamesh’s strength and the two enemies became inseparable friends. 

Years passed , Gilgamesh and Enkidu grew lazy and felt bored so Gilgamesh suggested to go  on an adventure to The Cedar forest , to slay the demon Humbaba and to cut down his trees . Enkidu refused at first but Gilgamesh convinced him .
On the trip to the Cedar Forest, Gilgamesh had nightmares every night. Enkidu interprets the nightmares into pleasant things, assuring Gilgamesh that everything will be alright. When they arrived to confront Humbaba, Gilgamesh changed his mind and wanted to turn away. Enkidu, however, urged him into going forward with the battle.
During the fight, Humbaba does all he can to prevent Gilgamesh and Enkidu from killing him. Eventually, Gilgamesh slays him. Afterward, they cut some Cedar trees and they return to Uruk triumphantly. During the celebration, the goddess Ishtar asks Gilgamesh to make her his wife. When he refuses, Ishtar brings the Bull of  Heaven to Uruk to kill Gilgamesh. However, with Enkidu’s help, Gilgamesh slays the bull.
The gods were upset at Gilgamesh and Enkidu for killing Humbaba and the Bull of Heaven. For this reason, they decided that one of the men must die. They choose Enkidu. In a short time, Enkidu became ill and died. Gilgamesh was  deeply grieved by this. Gilgamesh went  into the wilderness to find his ancestor named Utanapishtim, who can help him become immortal. After telling Gilgamesh his story, Utanapishtim challenges Gilgamesh to prove he is worthy of immortality by staying awake for six days and seven nights. Gilgamesh fails, but Utanapishtim gives him  a plant that will keep him youth and strong , but a serpent ate the plant before Gilgamesh could eat it .
Gilgamesh inscribed his Travels and thoughts upon stone tablets and placed them on the walls of Uruk so that people could gain wisdom and remember him.

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